Belfast & Lisburn Womens Aid

Belfast & Lisburn Women’s Aid provides a range of accommodation and support services to women and children who have experienced, or are at risk of domestic violence. Their core services are providing emergency safety and protection for women and their children through temporary refuge accommodation and outreach services to women and their children within the community. They also provide tailored and generic education and training programmes to educate and inform the public, media, public sector (police, courts, and social services), corporate sector, health sector, voluntary & community sector of the impact of domestic violence. The organisation raises awareness and understanding of the impact of domestic violence on children and young people in schools, in youth and community and other settings.

Mentor: Women'sTEC

As part of the Elevate programme, the organisation developed their skills and technology to respond to the growing needs of women and children experiencing domestic violence, based on the learning from experiences during lockdown and the ongoing pandemic that showed widening inequality gaps.