Crossfire Trust

Crossfire Trust is a registered charity established in 1984 and based at Darkley House, Keady that aims to support people in the community in a practical, non-judgemental way. Crossfire Trust have an ‘any situation through the door’ policy when it comes to helping people including underrepresented groups, but the main issues they tackle are related to homelessness, reconciliation and community development, poverty and living on the bread line, social isolation, mental health and crisis and emergency situations.

Mentor: Clanrye Group

We applied to Elevate to enhance our governance and to develop support for forthcoming new trustees making us accountable and producing a timeline. 

Our project was to bring together 30 supporters, residents, service users and volunteers  to create a 5 year strategic plan with a facilitator who would produce a written report and agreed outcomes which would be useful for funding and operational purposes. A video capturing the day was to be created for promotional use. 


The Elevate project revealed the information required for new directors and it produced an enjoyable day when 30 people came together in the same place at the same time. We identified what Crossfire Trust was best at and areas for improvement.  

This resulted in an increase in volunteering with new roles and offers of help. The gaps in our community service provision were filled in and we identify potential new partners as directors or trustees. The community audit on social media was insightful and constructive. It clarified best use of camera, light, location and areas in Crossfire which we were unclear as to how to present ourselves. What can I do to help is the most recent comment and small roles are now being filled and levels of responsibility and authority being taken up on. End result is not more work but better work. Not just more business but cleaver in business development. 

Yes we did attend the Elevate training and found the information on health inequalities helpful and understanding to our rural location. We also found the community facility used for the event to be stimulating and the opportunity to network, listen and feel very worthwhile.  

This made a difference in our group as we became aware of location, rural transport, housing all impacting on health and wellbeing. It took the lid off social health and explained why fast foods are not only expensive but can be damaging. The opportunity to listen to other leaders was helpful and the end difference to our project was that we have information on paper and screen. We can read it and refer to it or view it in a group setting. We know where we are going and why and have a very useful fund-raising tool.   

Our goal is to present the Strategic Plan to 4 potential trustees. 

To move forward in our plan to change from a charity to a limit company. 

To increase resources through the new trustee network. 

To develop to fill every inch of land we own and every square foot of space that we have already established. 


"Elevate helped us to see where we were at and what we could do to ensure, going forward the agreed fresh clear objectives which is very exciting for us."

Ian Bothwell, CEO, Crossfire Trust